750ml Steritec Virucidal Cleaner Ready To

  • SKU: 20.221.5015
  • Brand: CLEENOL
  • Pack Size: 1x6

We’re proud to introduce Steritec Virucidal Cleaner, a specially formulated disinfectant for most non-porous hard surfaces. What sets this product apart is its fragrance-free formula, making it perfect for use in food preparation areas where maintaining a neutral scent is essential.Steritec Virucidal Cleaner is designed to efficiently eliminate 99.99% bacteria, viruses and yeasts on various hard surfaces in 60 seconds at 4% dilution.Conforms to EN1276, EN13727, EN13624, EN1650 (yeast), EN16615, EN14476 (full virucidal) and EN16777 (limited virucidal).

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