Camwear Camsquare Lid Fits 1.9l/3.8l

  • SKU: 09.029.0052
  • Brand: CAMBRO
  • Pack Size: 1x1


Keep your food secure with this cam square storage container lid from Cambro. Created to be used with 1.9/3.8 litre Cambro cam square food containers, this Cambro cam square storage container lid is perfect for keeping your foods safe and secure and able to be neatly stored. Keep your soups, salads, sauces, and spices safe from debris and contamination. This lid is constructed of virtually unbreakable polycarbonate and is resistant to scratches, dents, and stains. This cam square food storage container lid will not easily discolorate and provides a very tight seal for your containers so that you never have to worry about spoiling or spilling.

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